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Understanding Adapters and Couplers

We carry an extensive selection of couplers and adaptors that are designed to help enable your ball valves and pressure gaugeswork properly together.

coupler is a very short pipe or tube that has a socket at one (or both) ends. This allows two pipes or tubes to be joined (or coupled), welded or soldered together.

An adapter is used to convert the attributes of one device to another. For example, an electrical adapter will enable connections between sockets used in one region of the world with another.

One example of a need for a coupler is the shaft coupler. Shaft coupling can deliver and disconnect power. This helps separate machines, improve flexibility, and reduce shock and overload.

Ball valves and pressure gauges often require accessories to function properly. Universal joints will allow movement in ridged rods and for rotary motion to be transmitted.

Industrial supply companies should carry lines of both couplers and adapters. Couplers and adaptors allow your machines, industrial equipment and pipes to do their job without breaking down or wasting time. Another big benefit is that they also save you from having to purchase more machines or piping.